How to make a Flower Essence
A flower essence is a powerful remedy that allows us to work with the spirit of a plant. It does not contain any physical constituents of a plant, but rather is their energetic imprint. They work in a realm beyond the understanding of science, or in other words, they are pure magic.
There are many ways to make flower essences, I’ll offer some ideas here, please take what resonates.
I always start by trying to attune to the plant I want to work with. I get close to it. I feel the space it is in. I look very closely at its form, color, and presence. I reach out with my heart and my mind to introduce my energy. I try to be receptive to anything that comes back. Every plant feels different.
After first introductions, I often make an offering. I have a mix of seaweed, tobacco leaves, and blessed flowers that I have made essences with in the past or I have used to decorate my altar that I sprinkle as I offer gratitude. Sometimes I offer water. I also think about what a flower essence is. I psychically project to the plant the idea of making an essence to help people heal. I listen, feel, and try to be receptive to any response. Often I get an immediate feeling of interest and willingness, but there are times that has not happened. I only proceed if I feel a yes. (If I receive a no, sometimes the plant opens up and feels interested after I visit and engage with it over time and make more offerings, but some plants I may never have a chance to make an essence with.)
Once I’ve identified a plant I’m going to work with I try to find a time when it is in the sunlight or the moonlight that I would like to capture in the essence. I love direct sun, but if a plant grows in the shade, it may be a bright filtered light. Sometimes I’ve been called to do an essence during more inclement weather, such as desert rain, but not often.
I choose a vessel for the water. I really enjoy using vintage cut glass candy dishes, goblets, quilted canning jars, or other such pretty things. I keep these vessels only for this one use. I sanitize it, then I fill it with the best water I can access. Most often this is fresh spring water, but sometimes it’s filtered tap water if that is all I can find in the moment. I believe that the more natural and fresh the water source, the better memory the water has. My favorite source is my farm in Oregon where the water comes directly from a mountain spring and is cleaned only with filters and UV light (no added chemicals).
I place the vessel near the plant and psychically ask the plant if I may place flowers in the water. Sometimes I’m given one, sometimes I feel that more are offered. I often pick the flowers with my hands because I consider the work to be in collaboration, but some flower essence practitioners believe this should not be done and use sticks or other implements instead. In some cases there is also the possibility of bending a plant into the water without picking it at all. Follow your own path.
Once the flowers are in the water, I continue to sit with the plant. Sometimes I meditate, sometimes I journal. I often receive messages about the remedy the plant offers. If I’m not able to stay nearby for some reason, I will go do other things and come back. I like allowing the flowers to sit in the water for 4-6 hours ideally.
After this time has passed, I gather the vessel. I like to dry the flowers and add them to my offering bag. Or sometimes I offer them back to the Earth.
To preserve the essence, I mix the energized water with 50% brandy. I store my essences in cobalt bottles, but any dark bottle will do. Or you can keep them in clear containers in a dark space. This original mix of liquids is considered the “mother” essence. Make sure to label it with the name of the plant, location, date, and anything else important. Sometimes I will add what pollinators were in constant presence because I feel their energy is also in the essence. Sometimes the flowers actually add extra things to the essence, like seeds or additional petals.
To create a daughter essence, also known as a dosage bottle, prepare a new bottle with 50% water and 50% brandy, plus drops of the mother. You can choose a number or drops that relates to numerology, your favorite number, or just add two drops. These dosage bottles are what you use when you wish to connect with the plant or use the essence therapeutically. Drops can be taken orally or applied topically.
There are resources where you can look up what essences of specific flowers have been found to help with by other people. A quick google search will provide a lot of information. You can choose to look up the essence you are working with, or you can find out for yourself what you feel an essence brings to you by working with it.